A big project coming soon!

- 1 min

Flask Web app that utilizes DevOps tools and practices:

This project in planning/testing phase at the moment. You can find another page on the channel I will update which is the Projects page. However, here in the blog area, I will give updates as well. Anyways I have a project up my sleeve that I am working on building out and below is some info I have so far.

Come ride out the journey with me! I appreciate you stopping by and I will be posting on my LinkedIn as well!

The Plan

I will develop a web app with Flask, a web framework for Python, using HTML and CSS (some python as well of course). I will be implementing a CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) process with Jenkins for deploying the Flask web app to a Kubernetes cluster. I plan on deploying and hosting in Azure, using Terraform.

Tools the project will use (not limited… may change):

I am hoping this helps demonstrate my knowledge over DevOps practices.

Signing Off

Thank you all.

Best regards, Tyler


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